
Day 0

Yellow Pill Intro

Male Behavioral Models

Bucks Fscks Sucks
Personality Type (for support) (for passion) (for rebellion)
Alpha (Red Pill, for reputation) Captain Chad Dark Triad
Beta (Purple Pill, for love) Schlub FWB Goth
Sigma (Yellow Pill, for gain) VC Angel Artist Ponzi
Omega (Blue Pill, for belonging) Comic Con Gamer Pro Unabomber
Delta (Pink Pill, outsider) Gay Bear Gay Cub Pedo


  • Alpha Bucks = Captain = Head of the family, successful husband.
  • Alpha F_cks = Chad, women chase him but never expect him to commit. They usually don't even try.
  • Beta Bucks = Typical married guy whose wife sh!ts on him constantly. Sometimes this is a new "red pill" visitor, but they're usually below this.
  • Beta F_cks = This is usually the top of the food chain for a "red pill" adherent. They get laid but the women either want to lock them down into Beta Bucks, or the gals keep them around as a backup emotional tampon who they get some sex from.
  • Sigma Bucks = This is the entrepreneur who really DGAF. He's got cash and doesn't care much about it. He's focused on the challenge. When Cindy cheats on Chad, it's usually with this guy if she can attract his attention.
  • Sigma F_cks = The musician. The traveling artist. The photographer. He's getting laid because of his fame + he doesn't care at all about outcome. He can win or lose and it doesn't matter. When Cindy cheats on Chad, this guy is a common factor if she's not looking to branch swing, if she just wants to try to get internal revenge.
  • Omega Bucks = This is the typical new "red pill" visitor. He's fat, he doesn't shower or cut his nails, his place is a mess, and he visits porn sites 3x a day. MOST "red pill" types will be stuck here for good because their entire lives are fantasies.
  • Omega F_cks = This one is weird. He's the Vape Bro, or he's the guy with some odd technical skills. He actually gets laid although usually with drunk women. No one wants to be around him but he actually has spots of charisma that keep him "in the scene".
  • Delta Bucks = Old gay dude with money. Usually wimpy.
  • Delta F_cks = Young or young looking gay dude with style. Feather boa not necessary.
  • Sucks = This category is preliminary. I've been working on defining it for about 7 years and don't feel right about the term ("sucks") or the defining characteristics, but it fits the profile pretty well. "Sucks" is almost accurate as these types tend to exude some self-hatred of their behaviors if you really drill down to why they act like they do.

Note there's a huge difference between Chad (Alpha Fucks) and Dark Triad (Alpha Sucks) in behavior.